Connect Suicide Prevention for Behavioral Health Clinicians - June 6, 2025
Includes a Live In-Person Event on 06/06/2025 at 8:30 AM (EDT)
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- Learners - $60
A 6-Hour Training with Elaine de Mello, LCSW
130 Pembroke Road, Suite 150, Concord, NH 03301
Presentation: Mental health and substance use clinicians play a key role in assessing and managing safety with individuals at risk for suicide. Integrating evidence-based strategies, the Connect Suicide Prevention program utilizes a unique community-based, public health approach to increase the competence of substance use and mental health providers in identifying and assessing suicide risk and working with individuals to achieve and sustain recovery and resiliency. This Connect Suicide Prevention and Intervention Training includes application of evidence- based practices identified in a Zero Suicide approach to include suicide risk formulation, safety planning, lethal means reduction and care transitions. There will be discussion on how to integrate key community services and support systems for creating an effective and comprehensive safety net.
As a result of this training, participants will be able to:
- Recognize demographics related to risk factors and warning signs of suicide;
- List strategies for intervention upon recognizing warning signs;
- Explain evidence-based practices concerning access to lethal means, safe messaging and care transitions; and
- Describe a research-based model for risk formulation leading to safety planning.
6 Contact Hours Available
CRSW Performance Domains: 1-4
LADC/MLADC Categories of Competence: 1, 4-5 & 11-12
Certified Prevention Specialist Domains: 2-3 & 6
NBCC: LICSW/L-MFT/LCMHC (Category A) & Psychologist (Category A)
NH Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselors Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider. ACEP No 6754. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. NHADACA is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.
This training is financed under a contract with the State of NH, Department of Health and Human Services, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and/or such funding sources as were available or required, e.g., the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Elaine de Mello
Director of Suicide Prevention Services
Elaine de Mello, Director of Suicide Prevention Services at National Alliance on Mental Illness New Hampshire (NAMI NH), is a licensed clinical social worker who has worked in the mental health field since 1978 as a clinical program manager in inpatient and community settings. Elaine also served as an emergency services clinician and director of Quality Improvement. Elaine has worked full time with NAMI NH since 1999 where she had a lead role in the development of the Connect Suicide Prevention and Postvention Program, a national best practice. Elaine has provided training and consultation in mental health and suicide prevention throughout the United States and Canada in a variety of settings including state and tribal entities, community coalitions, schools and campuses, health care facilities, and military and paramilitary organization. Elaine serves on the NH Suicide Fatality Review Committee and has been the co-chair of the NH Youth Suicide Prevention Assembly since 2003. Elaine has conducted psychological autopsies through the American Association of Suicidology and assisted nationally with Zero Suicide initiatives.